for other things
Here you find everything around BMC TrueSight and PATROL that is not a KM 🙂
TrueSight Application Search Button Patch V1.2.00
This Patch adds a Search Button to the TrueSight Application View of the TrueSight Presentation Server as it is available in most other views (Devices, Groups etc.).
Important note
* This version of the Patch has been created with TrueSight Presentation Server Version 11.3.03 and should only be applied to this version!
* You use the Patch on your own risk. Follow the instructions written in the included ReadMe file!
* Adds a Search Button and Box at the top right of the Application View (Monitoring –> Applications) in TrueSight Presentation Server
* Works together with the Severity and Sort function of the Application View
If you are interested in this patch please contact me using !!!
(T)rueSight (R)est (API) (C)lient
PSL Library Collection
This is a very usefull collection of libraries handling lot of things around PSL file and process channels and so on.
pcig_wrapper V1.3.20 (Perl Script & .exe)
This is an extended verion of the pcig_wrapper.bat written in Perl with a little more control and code. Next to this you find a Windows .exe file in the ZIP created with perl2exe so you don’t have to install any Perl edition on the system you want to use it. Unzip the file, copy the required .exes (psl.exe, zip.exe, pcig.exe) and start.
Note: Please read the readme file to make sure you have all prerequisites done!!!
If you enhance the script you are very welcome to send me a copy and make it available through this download!
This is a small but usefull DOS batch file that automates most of copying, creating and cleaning steps when bulding a BPPM 9.5 solution. It uses pcig.exe from BMC Software to build the BPPM 9.5 solution package.
If you enhance the script you are very welcome to send me a copy and make it available through this download!