TAUBER TrueSight REST-API Client

Integrating, Reporting and Automation are major topics customers have to work on when running TrueSight Operations Manager and Helix Monitor. The TrueSight Presentation Server REST-API can be used for a lot of these topics. The TAUBER TrueSight REST-API Client (=TRAPICII) is the second generation of the easy to use command line REST-API client for BMC TrueSight Operations Manager and BMC Helix Monitor (BETA). It is 

… easy to install and use
… automates processes like adding Services to an Authorization Profile
… covers connecting, data collection and output in three different formats
… secure storing of connection details & session handling


New in TRAPICII Version 1.8.50

Note: TRAPIC is replaced by TRAPICII (same toolset, more functionality, updated code etc.)! You need an updated license file to use TRAPICII. Please contact support@tabuso.com to get the updated license file!

  • Supports TrueSight 11.3.07
  • New TRAPIC wrappers to restart PATROL Agents remotely through TSPS (Sentry Softwares Monitoring Studio Component required)
  • New TRAPIC wrappers to export and import Dashboards
  • New TRAPIC wrappers for the complete TrueSight Policy Management (Export, Import, Update, Modify, Delete).
  • New TRAPIC wrappers maintain TrueSight Applications and Devices
  • New TRAPIC wrappers to PATROL Agent Configurations (Sentry Softwares Monitoring Studio Component required)
  • New TRAPIC wrapper to retrieve the TrueSight license report
  • New functions to search CIs and Devices

Supported TrueSight Operations Manager Versions:

  • TrueSight Operations Manager V10.7.xx, V11.0.xx, V11.3.xx
  • BMC Helix Monitor V1.0.00

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022 (64 Bit)

Functions implemented in V1.8.xx:
getconnectionstatus, gettspsversion, getdashboardlist, getdevicelist, getauthprofiles, getattributelist, getmontypes, getinstances, getpolicylist, checkuserauth, getperfdata & getperfdata2, geteventcounts, getislist, getagentlist, getavmagentlist, getapplicationlist, getcomponentstatus, getpackages, getuserlist, getallservicesinprofile, getallapplicationsinprofile, getalldevicesinprofile, getallusergroupsinprofile, getalldevicegroupsinprofile, getalldashboardsinprofile, getalladminrightsinprofile (new), getallrolesinprofile, getrolelist, getusergrouplist, getcelllist, getdevicegrouplist, geteventgrouplist, getdevicecounts, searchcis, searchdevices

TRAPICII Wrappers in V1.8.xx:
trcopyauthprofile, traddservicetoprofile, trremoveservicefromprofile, tradddashboardtoprofile, trremovedashboardfromprofile, traddapplicationtoprofile, trremoveapplicationfromprofile, tradddevicetoprofile, trremovedevicefromprofile, tradddevicegrouptoprofile, trremovedevicegroupfromprofile, traddeventgrouptoprofile, trremoveeventgroupfromprofile,  trcreateauthprofile, trdeleteauthprofile, trdeletemanageddevice, traudit, trcreateapplication, trdeleteapplication, traddevicetoapplication, trremovedevicefromapplication, trdeploypackage, trcreateapplication, trdeleteapplication, trgetagentsetup, trsetagentsetup, trdeleteagentsetup, trgetlicensedata, trimportpolicy, trexportpolicy, trmodifypolicy, trupdatepolicy, trdeletepolicy

For more details download the latest PDF manual here!

Click here to go to the download page!

trapic component status result in comma separated format (command: getcomponentstatus)

trapic component status result in comma separated format (command: getcomponentstatus)

trapic component status result in default format (command: getcomponentstatus)

trapic component status result in default format (command: getcomponentstatus)

trapic component status result in table format (command: getcomponentstatus)

trapic component status result in table format (command: getcomponentstatus)

trapic agentlist command result in table format (command: getagentlist)

trapic agentlist command result in table format (command: getagentlist)

trapic integration service list result in table format (command: getistlist)

trapic integration service list result in table format (command: getistlist)

trapic application list result in table format (command: getapplicationlist)

trapic application list result in table format (command: getapplicationlist)

traudit HTML Audit Report (command: traudit)

traudit HTML Audit Report (command: traudit)

getcomponentstatus function with cockpit mode

getcomponentstatus function with cockpit mode