The TAUBER MySQL Knowledge Module is an add-on to the systems management software PATROL® by BMC Software. The Knowledge Module is used to monitor MySQL Databases running on UNIX / Linux and Windows. You can monitor availability and performance information including the MySQL errorlogs.
Features of the Knowledge Module
- Fast and easy installation and configuration
- No software installation if used in combination with the TAUBER Remote Kowledge Module
- Out of the box availability, performance and errorlog monitoring
- Full integration in all other BMC products (Impact Manager etc.)
- Supports MySQL 5.x and higher on UNIX / Linux and Windows supported by PATROL® and / or the TAUBER Remote KM
- Supports MySQL Cluster V7.1.13 and higher
Monitored Areas of MySQL Cluster Knowledge Module
MySQL Cluster Management (ndb_mgmd)
- MySQL Cluster Managemend Daemon Status
MySQL Cluster Nodes (ndbd)
- MySQL Cluster Node Status
- MySQL Cluster Node is Master?
MySQL Database Daemon (mysqld)
- MySQL Database Daemon Status
Monitored Areas of MySQL Database Knowledge Module
MySQL Availability Monitoring
- Server Status (Up / Down)
- Uptime of the server
- Queries and Average Queries and more
MySQL Cache Monitoring
- Cache hits
- Hits not cached and more
MySQL Command Monitoring
- Number of commands for all comon MySQL SQL command types
MySQL Connection Monitoring
- Number of queries and connections
- Maximum number of connections
- Number of aborted connections and aborted clients and more
MySQL Database Monitoring
- Excluding and Including of databases and tables
- Monitoring of the free space in the tables and more
MySQL Errorlog Monitoring
- Automatic detection of the MySQL errorlog and monitoring for „Error“ and „Warning“
- Additional logs and phrases configurable
MySQL Lock Monitoring
- Number of immediate locks and locks waited
MySQL Network Monitoring
- Bytes sent and Bytes received
MySQL Performance Monitoring
- Response time
- Handler writes and updates
- Handler deletes, commits and more
MySQL Replication Monitoring
- Slave active?
- Seconds behind master?
- IO active?
- SQL active?